Category 1A Questions; Category 1B and 1C Practice Exam; Category 1B Questions; Category 1B Questions; Category 1C Crop Diseases Management Worksheet #2; Category 1C Practice Test; Category 1C Quiz; Core Manual Ch. 1 Pages 12-15; Core Manual Ch. 2 Pages 16-21; Core Manual Ch. 8 Questions; Core Manual Ch. 9 Questions; Crop Disease Management


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2021-01-08 · Phases 1A, 1B , 1C, and 2 . Updated January 8, 2021 . I. BACKGROUND . New Mexico has prioritized vaccine allocation consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) phases, 1. adapting those phases where necessary to protect New Mexican residents as effectively as possible.

2D. 3D. 1E.

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CORPUS CHRISTI – Registration opened up Tuesday afternoon for Phases 1A, 1B and 1C, in addition to school employees, for Thursday’s City of Corpus Christi and Driscoll Children’s Hospital Vaccine Site. One thousand first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will be administered Thursday, March 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., at the American Bank Center.

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